Bee & Wasps Removal

In Canada, there are numerous insect species that possess a poisonous bite or sting, making them venomous. However, the most significant medical threats come from bees (such as domestic honey bees, Africanized “killer bees,” and bumble bees), wasps (including paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and ants (including fire ants), all of which belong to the Hymenoptera order. When stung by these insects, the resulting injury is often referred to as a Hymenoptera sting.

Because many of these insects reside in colonies, if one stings, it is possible to be stung by several. While the majority of stings only result in minor medical issues, some stings can lead to severe medical problems or even death.

Bees getting inside the small hole of beehive

Protect your family and property from the dangers of bee and wasp stings. Contact us now for expert removal services.

Wasps & Bees Nests

Yellowjackets, baldfaced hornets, and paper wasps create their nests by utilizing a mixture of wood fibers and saliva to form a papery pulp. The nests of yellowjackets and baldfaced hornets are comprised of multiple rounded combs stacked in layers, all of which are encased in an envelope made up of several layers of pulp. Paper wasps, on the other hand, construct a single comb without any protective casing. These insects are often referred to as umbrella wasps because of the shape of their nests.

Paper wasps tend to build their nests underneath any flat surface and can commonly be found on tree limbs, overhangs, eaves of buildings, beams and supports in attics, garages, barns, sheds, and other similar places.

Honey bees, on the other hand, construct a series of vertical honeycombs out of wax. While their colonies are primarily housed in manufactured hives, they do occasionally nest in cavities within large trees, voids within building walls, or other sheltered locations.

Life Cycle of Wasps and Bees

The colonies of wasps are annual and only last for a single year. During the fall, the colony perishes, with only the newly produced queens surviving through the winter. In late summer, the new queens exit their nests and mate with males. After mating, the queens search for overwintering locations, such as crevices and spaces beneath loose bark, in rotted logs, under siding or tile, and other similar spots, where they become inactive. The queens reawaken during the following spring when temperatures rise and search for favorable nesting locations to construct new nests. They do not reuse old nests.

On the other hand, honey bees are perennial insects that survive for more than one year. As hive temperatures near 57° F, bees form a cluster. As the temperature decreases, the bee cluster becomes denser. Bees inside the cluster consume honey and create warmth, allowing those in the cluster to remain warm. If honey is present within the cluster, a strong colony can endure temperatures as low as -30° F or colder for an extended period.

Fumigate and Exlusion

GT Pest Control specializes in services for the eradication and control of all types of Bees and Wasps utilizing an Integrated Pest Management approach.

We will inspect your home or business and property for colonies and depending on what the situation is, we will use the best method for the problem at hand. We have several techniques to manage these problems. GT Pest Control will fumigate with a pesticide then seal all possible entrances into your home or structure of your home or business.

Get A Quote

GT Pest Control offers bee & wasps removal services in Clarington, Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa, Cobourg, Port Hope and Bowmanville.